When you have a pool at home, pleasure and enjoyment become part of your routine. Now, it is always necessary to keep it in optimal conditions, which implies effort, dedication and maintenance at least once a week.
It is important to take into account all that is involved in keeping a pool in perfect condition and how difficult and time consuming it can be if you don't have the necessary equipment. That is why, below, we leave you with all the recommendations so that you can acquire the best pool cleaner or robot for your pool.
Remember that the function of this equipment is to vacuum and clean the dirt from the walls and bottom of the pool. Therefore, when choosing a pool cleaner, it is important to know that there is no single model; on the contrary, there is a wide variety of pool cleaners on the market, with different characteristics and different features. This could make it difficult for you to choose the one that best suits your expectations.
The first thing to do is to identify that the models are classified according to two types of operation: manual and automatic, the latter being either hydraulic or electric. Secondly, if the one you have at home is manual, I invite you to leave this rudimentary technique behind and choose an automatic pool cleaner, which is more practical and will lighten your workload.
Now, it is necessary that when making the decision to buy, you take into account certain characteristics: dimensions of the pool, wall covering, type of bottom, model of ladder and shape of the edges.

which is the most suitable pool cleaner for your pool?
To choose the pool cleaner that best suits you, it is essential that you consider the size or dimensions of your pool, as cleaning a small pool with a manual pool cleaner will never be the same as cleaning a large pool, as the effort and time invested will be double or triple. So, if you have a large pool, we recommend automatic equipment that is electric.
The shape of the pool's structure will also be of great importance, because if it is square or rectangular without many folds, it will be easier to clean. If, on the other hand, it has angles and other shapes, this could complicate the function of the pool cleaner a little more and delay the cleaning process.
The coating has a considerable influence and is an aspect that you should take into account when choosing a pool cleaner. It is not the same to vacuum ceramic or gresite walls and bottom as a polyester or liner pool. When the pool is made of ceramic, you should choose a model that is capable of cleaning all the dirt that sticks to the joints of the walls, then the equipment should be prepared to clean both the bottom and the walls.
If, on the other hand, the pool is made of liner, you will not need a pool cleaner that goes up the walls because, as they are smooth, all the dirt will fall to the floor or the bottom of the pool, without sticking to the joints.
As for the ladders, you will have to check whether they are made on site or made of stainless steel. If you have a built-in ladder, it can be a bit more complicated, because you will have to choose a device that cleans and turns in the reduced space of each step. On the other hand, it will be different if you have steel stairs attached to the edges, as there will be no obstacles for the sweeper.
Another aspect to consider is the shape of the pool edges, i.e. whether they are square or rounded. In this case, each automatic model will specify what type of edges it is capable of cleaning, you will find this in the characteristics of each piece of equipment.
With all this information, there will be no further complications, you just need to know everything about your pool and choose the pool cleaner that best suits its characteristics.
Bora Smart Cleaners
Types of cleaners: electric and hydraulic
-Manual: This is the simplest model andtherefore the cheapest alternative. However, they require more effort and work on your part. They are only recommended for very small pools.
-Automatic: Without a doubt, this is the most convenient thing that has been invented for cleaning your pool, as they make your life easier, without having to invest a lot of effort and time in their maintenance. There are two types, hydraulic and electric, their main difference is based on the energy source for them to work perfectly. Some will only need the pump you already have, while others are totally electric and work autonomously.
ü Hydraulic suction pumps: They are connected directly to the skimmers or to the pool cleaner socket and must activate the pool's filtration system. This must be running so that it cleans the walls and the bottom, sending all the impurities and dirt to the pump filter, where it will remain until it is cleaned.
ü Hydraulic by pressure: It is also connected to the pool pump, but it has its own filter, so you avoid all the impurities and dirt reaching the pump's filter, which is a great advantage.
ü Automatic by water pressure: Very similar to the one mentioned above, but with the difference that it is not connected to the pool's suction system. They are connected to an impulsion socket and require a separate pump. The dirt that is collected goes directly into a bag that is incorporated, avoiding the need to load the pump filter. Once the process is complete, the bags must be emptied after each cleaning.
ü Eléctricos: Ofrece muchísimas ventajas respecto a los anteriores y son los que están más de moda, ya que representa la mejor opción al momento de limpiar tu piscina. Thanks to the fact that it is very fast, powerful and precise, because it works autonomously. They are separate from the filtration system, so you don't have to run them any longer than necessary. Although it implies a higher investment, it is the most recommended for you.
ü Robot pool cleaners: They have turned out to be the star of this type of equipment, due to their speed, precision and efficiency. They work on their own, all you have to do is insert it into the pool and connect it, then disconnect and remove it. They move on wheels along the bottom and walls, to leave the area completely spotless. They are the most expensive on the market.
ü Battery-operated pool cleaners: They use a rechargeable battery that gives them greater autonomy. However, they are more recommended for inflatable pools or removable pools that do not have a purifier.
Advantages between electric and hydraulic pool cleaners
- Advantages of electric pool cleaners:
ü Their dimensions are very versatile.
ü Practical and comfortable.
ü They are more powerful, faster and more precise.
ü Completely autonomous.
ü They do not depend on the filtration system of the pool pump.
ü Theyconsume less electricity precisely because the pool does not need to be activated.
ü Their average consumption is under 200W.
ü They havetheir own filter, so they do not clog the pool filter.
ü They are intelligent.
ü They are made to clean the bottom, walls and waterline (depending on the model you choose).
ü Easily programmed once connected to electricity.
ü Returns processed water to the pool after vacuuming.
ü You can find the ones that go to the plug and the ones with rechargeable batteries.
- Advantages of hydraulic cleaners:
ü They are very easy to use.
ü They do not require installation or programming.
ü They are perfect for flat pools, which do not have a slope.
ü The pump should have a power of ¾ horsepower.
ü They have no power consumption.
- Disadvantages:
ü They are completely dependent on the pool filtration system.
ü All the dirt goes directly to the pool pump filter.
ü It is difficult to control the area it cleans, so the pool pump will have to start and stop several times for the cleaner to be positioned in different places.
Korkel Battery Powered Pool Cleaners
Finally, our best recommendation is that you choose an automatic pool cleaner that is electric, as it offers many benefits and advantages. However, it is up to you to choose the one that suits you best, depending on the size of your pool, your needs and your budget.
Last but not least, remember that so that your pool is always ready, it will be necessary to rebalance both the pH and the chlorine content, once you have applied the automatic pool cleaner. Likewise, to make the cleaning process more effective, we recommend that you use a leaf cleaner beforehand to prevent the equipment from removing the largest dirt and to ensure it lasts longer.
It is also very important to clean the filter at the end of each cleaning cycle, as well as to change the brushes at the end of the bathing and heating season.
so after that, all that's left for you to do is enjoy a nice swim!