Single-phase AC Type Differential
Single-phase AC Type Differential
Residential Residencial Differential Switch 30mA 6KA 1P+N type AC

Single-phase Type A Differential
RCBO Combined Circuit Breaker (Type A Differential + Thermomagnetic Circuit Breaker)...

Single-phase Type A Differential
Residential residual current device 30mA 6KA 1P+N type A
Differential Type AC Three-phase
Three-phase differential 30mA 6KA 3P+N type AC
Differential Type A Three-phase
Three-phase differential 30mA 6KA 3P+N type A
Single-phase AC Type Differential
Circuit Breaker with Differential Type AC Curve C 6kA
Single-phase Type A Differential
Circuit breaker with Differential Type A Curve C 6kA
Single-phase AC Type Differential
Circuit breaker (differential + circuit breaker) C-curve type AC 30mA
Single-phase Type A Differential
copy of Residential residual current device 30mA 6KA 1P+N type A
Single-phase Type B-EV Differentials
Superimmunised Type B Residual Current Device 63A 30mA
Three-phase Type B-EV Differentials