Review for "Thermal blanket GeoBubble Sol+Guard 500 and 800 microns"

Thermal blanket GeoBubble Sol+Guard 500 and 800 microns

The transparent thermal blanket is designed to increase the water in your pool by up to 10ºC. Its double rounded bubble design makes it the most durable system on the market.It pays for itself very quickly. More than 6 years of expected useful life. Reduces chemical consumption. Reduces filtering time by up to 50%. Long lasting double bubble GeoBubble. Increases water temperature up to 10ºC. Reduces energy consumption by more than 60%. Eliminates water evaporation by more than 98%


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Cobertor verano 800 micras

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La verdad que estamos satisfechos con el cobertor de verano. Han sido rapidos eficaces y ha quedado genial.

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